Author: Personal Injury Warriors

Darrow is my hero

PI lawyer Clarence Darrow

By personal injury attorney, Michael Ehline – What other man can take on a former Presidential candidate, crowds of angry citizens, and the law system itself? Clarence Darrow is for many the quintessential American attorney: he built himself from the bottom up, never backed down from a fight, and gained fame across the country as a personal injury warrior. I know of only one other man who has become a personal injury lawyer before getting a law degree in modern times, and that would be Michael Ehline, out in California. But in the far past, one normally interned to become a profession, underneath a professional. Prior to government-sanctioned law schools, we had John Jay and Abe Lincoln, for example. But Darrow became one when law schools...

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What Do You Get Between an MMA Star and a Top Attorney?

Sure, it sounds a little like a joke. But there’s nothing funny about this pairing. Except for Renato Laranja’s quips and jabs. The MMA fighter and hilarious host of the Renato Laranja Show teamed up with Los Angeles’ premier accident attorney Michael Ehline through the end of 2020 for a dream team collaboration. Rear Ended? Getting choked out by your insurance adjuster? “Ehline got a black beltch in getting you money porra!” – Renato Laranja (BJJ Champ.) There was an obvious reason that Laranja decided to work with Ehline. For starters, he recognized Ehline’s martial spirit. The attorney and head of the law firm that bears his name is an inactive Marine. While he may be a little slower than his time in the Corps,...

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End of Ridesharing Curb Service at LAX

End of Ridesharing Curb Service at LAX Shows Beginning their Beginning of the End

A Heavy Blow to Uber and Lyft The news of LAX’s decision to end curb service for Uber and Lyft should come as no surprise to anyone that has been following news about the embattled ride-sharing services. Each suffered a number of major controversies over the last several years. This is especially the case in the last 6 months. A number of accusations swirled around drivers assaulting and robbing their own passengers. In some cases, this included credible reports of rape and sexual assault. End of Ridesharing Curb Service at LAX Furthermore, states such as California and New York implemented a number of restrictions on companies like uber and Lyft. These states consider their labor practices to be exploitative. KTLA reported...

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Authorities Open Investigation into Deadly CA Boat Fire

Fears that Safety Regulations Unheeded It comes as cold comfort to the families of 34 victims of this week’s crash off of the California coast that authorities opened an investigation into the tragedy. Reuters reported that authorities recovered 33 of the 34 victims’ bodies so far. Unfortunately, the remains are severely charred by the blaze. The fire upon the Conception is among the worst in modern American history, and is now a source of federal investigation. The National Transportation Safety Board launched its own investigation into the matter. The 75 foot vessel lay upside down 65 feet below the surface near the California cost. NTSB member Jennifer Homendy said at a press conference that the circumstances of...

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Seeking Restitution for Lyft Sexual Assault

Part of an Overarching Problem at the Rideshare Company According to a recent lawsuit and a number of recent arrests, Lyft fosters an atmosphere of sexual harassment and worse. The rideshare company has a similar reputation surrounding sexual crimes as its counterpart Uber, whose drivers are arrested for sexual assault on a regular basis. This news comes to us via the New York Post Its former users described the situation as a “sexual predator crisis.” Fourteen women from multiple states filed the lawsuit. Each one claims that their drivers sexually assaulted them. Each case happened since the beginning of 2018. According to the suit, Lyft does not do proper background checks on prospective drivers. This allows predators...

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Apple Finally Apologizes for iPhone Slowage

Apple stepped on it big time when it purposefully slowed down older iPhones. Obviously, to even the daftest of consumers, this appeared to be a ploy to increase sales of new phones. Apple claims they were doing us a favor since the batteries get worn out and hold less power. Product Recall word cloud on Blue Background But most consumer attorneys and those with common sense disagree entirely. It appears on its face that this was an effort to increase sales of new phones by subterfuge. This story that Apple was really trying to help consumers by slowing down their phones is sounding more and more absurd. In any event, today, Apple, after being sued, has agreed to replace the batteries on their older phones for a fee.     Apple...

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Injury Firm Improvements for any Budget

Gary Dordick takes personal injury lawyer of the year 2017.Tech and personal injury law in general, are both fickle fields. Just as soon as you update your security, IT, and other systems, they antiquate. So this is difficult enough for people with plenty of time and money on their hands. It’s a whole other level for attorneys and law firms. Communications remains a major instance needed for all offices’ growth. As a matter of fact, data security is one of the leading concerns of law offices and clients alike. We discuss actions firms take to improve all of the above. Below we have several examples. If you have any additions, please send them to us. Practical Steps for Any Firm Establish a well-entrenched comm system. Remember...

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DOCs, PDFs, XLS and More, Oh My!

There are so many different files types today. Some criss-cross between Windows and Mac while others will not work on the other platform. Some will open up easily on smartphones. Others will need proprietary info to do so. No matter what type of tablet or computer you run, here’s an opportunity to better understand some of the key elements of document creation and sharing. We’ll give you a short rundown of some of the tools that you and your firm needs to easily convert documents. With these skills you will be able to transfer them to the court and to your clients and back! Converting to PDF One of the most needed skills out there is the ability to create PDF files. There’s several different ways to do this. Some include: Photo...

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The Small Law Firm with the Big Reach

The Small Law Firm as You Make It Be Your firm is too small to get anything done! You’re a new attorney without the experience to take on the big boys! Sure, you laid out a shingle but the doubt is holding you back. Who passed the bar but you? You went to 6-8 years of school and have a freshly minted JD. You have far more on your side than against it. Still, you believe that your firm is too small and new to do anything. Your doubt might be your biggest holdback. Yeah, your firm is small. So what? Do you think the biggest law offices in the country didn’t start in a single room? Here’s your opportunity to make your firm into whatever you want and need it to be. You’ve trained this whole period and became specialized...

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The Tech-Paper Balance for Law Firm Tech

What to Digitize and What to Not in Law Firm Tech Your phone and laptop is your life. They’re on you all the time. You pack them in your briefcase out the door each morning. When you’re headed out of town, they’re always with you. It’s hard to remember a time just twenty years ago before such a massive shift in tech. Despite all of these major changes, there is still a world outside of electronics and law firm tech. Sounds crazy, I know. However, stick with me for a little while here. There’s so many different ways to look at the role of technology and where it leads. Your cell phone keeps you connected to the world. However, it also keeps the world directly connected to you. When every other attorney forgot...

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