What Do You Get Between an MMA Star and a Top Attorney?
Sure, it sounds a little like a joke. But there’s nothing funny about this pairing. Except for Renato Laranja’s quips and jabs. The MMA fighter and hilarious host of the Renato Laranja Show teamed up with Los Angeles’ premier accident attorney Michael Ehline through the end of 2020 for a dream team collaboration.

Rear Ended? Getting choked out by your insurance adjuster? “Ehline got a black beltch in getting you money porra!” – Renato Laranja (BJJ Champ.)
There was an obvious reason that Laranja decided to work with Ehline. For starters, he recognized Ehline’s martial spirit. The attorney and head of the law firm that bears his name is an inactive Marine. While he may be a little slower than his time in the Corps, he hasn’t forgotten a single lesson from his service. And definitely not the desire to fight for what’s right.
Ehline’s relationship with Laranja was just one part of his active career since he left the Marine Corps due to disability. He learned real life skills before taking the same path into law as Abraham Lincoln on the California State Bar Law Office Study Program. Now that he’s established himself as a chief auto and motorcycle accident attorney, he needs to bone back up on his sparring.

“Renato taught me a thing or two,” Ehline said, rubbing his neck. “He really has a solid chokehold.”
Ehline’s work can be seen in the pages of Leatherneck Magazine and in the thousands of lives he changed for the better. Working with the most skilled personal injury team in the state of California, Ehline understands what it’s like to fight– he’s done it all his life.
“I fight for the little guy,” he said. The award-winning attorney added that whether it was taking on municipalities, corporations, or insurance companies, he never gave up.
“My best guys never gave up on me in the dojo, or while training for war,” he said. “I would die before I threw in the towel. Code of the Samurai.” Without a doubt, “Uncle Renatch” and Michael Ehline are true “Personal Injury Warriors.”