Apple Finally Apologizes for iPhone Slowage
Apple stepped on it big time when it purposefully slowed down older iPhones. Obviously, to even the daftest of consumers, this appeared to be a ploy to increase sales of new phones. Apple claims they were doing us a favor since the batteries get worn out and hold less power.

But most consumer attorneys and those with common sense disagree entirely. It appears on its face that this was an effort to increase sales of new phones by subterfuge. This story that Apple was really trying to help consumers by slowing down their phones is sounding more and more absurd.
In any event, today, Apple, after being sued, has agreed to replace the batteries on their older phones for a fee.
Apple says in its letter that batteries are “consumable components,” and is offering anyone with an iPhone 6 or later a battery replacement for $29 starting in late January through December 2018 — a discount of $50 from the usual replacement cost. (Source.)
Why didn’t they do that in the first place, John Fry, an iPhone 6 user in Redondo Beach, CA asks? Attorney Michael Ehline, a Los Angeles based personal injury lawyer says he thinks all this will come out in the civil discovery process. Ehline claims the evidence in this most recent class action lawsuit against Apple could expose a pattern and practice of unfair business practices.
What are The Problems With Class Action Lawsuits?
Ehline claims this is probably “just the tip of the iceberg.” Class action lawsuits usually end up with lawyers making lots of money and victims getting a small token gift certificate. So Ehline offered some suggestions for California consumers wanting justice:
- Contact the California Dept of Consumer Affairs.
- Call the California Attorney General.
- Contact your state, and local political representatives.
There may also be other consumer protection agencies out there who can assist Ehline says. The bottom line is that consumers don’t have to join a class action and that Apple will likely do its best to deal with this since many investors like Irene Perdomo are having second thoughts about investing in Apple. Irene says she is unhappy that companies like Google and Apple engage in tactics that force people and businesses to upgrade or use a paid services.
Do Snake Oil Tactics Hurt Companies like Google and Apple?
Irene says she is looking at Amazon and other services that don’t use snake oil tactics. This is now her choice of investing. Irene, a small business owner, says:
“I hate it that companies like Google allow people with conflicts of interest to alter, delete or edit local business listings. In fact, I have been contacted by these high level Maps Guides that if I don’t hire them to give me local reviews, etc., that they can disappear our local listing. Obviously Google wins by letting SEO companies be Maps Guides. Now SMB’s have to use the paid adwords services and engage in a keyword bidding war to get clients. In the same way, Apple wins by slowing phones. People assume the phone just got old and buy a new one. Eventually they will be sued and my investment will tank. I have zero confidence in companies that allow this kind of stuff. Especially when these companies are using lobbyists in congress to basically monopolize our lives.”
At the end of the day, at least Apple has apologized for the slowage. But many consumers just aren’t feeling it now as far as investing. Do you agree with Irene? Have companies like Google and Apple become too risky to invest in due to greedy ends?