The Fatal Millennial Trap Law Firms Fall Into
Playing Against Millennials’ Interests

There are a series of stereotypes about Millennials. Many of them are negative, but 100% accurate. Many of that generation get portrayed as unable to handle difficult circumstances. They are also in need of “safe spaces”, free speech zones” and coddling. Many “progressive” injury law firms play into this stereotype. So they are actively attempting to bring in younger clients. Also, they do this through the support of policies that hurt businesses, including law companies.
Millennials and Financial Chaos
Americans for Tax Reform describe the economic situation of Millenials as “financial chaos.” Unemployment for that generation is almost double the overall average. Thus, it is pegged around 8%. Because of this, Millennials tend to think what their liberal college professors tell them. Thus, many Millennials want a socialist government, such as those found in Venezuela, or Cuba.
Millennials Tend to Blame Economic Freedom for their Inability to Get a Job
So Millennials tend to blame workers, entrepreneurs, and businesspeople for their failures. The victim mentality of these re-programmed kids has brought about a professional, welfare paid “victim class.”
Millennials Are Guaranteed Welfare State Voters?
Home ownership rates for younger people is way down. Also, almost no Millennials have substantial savings. These are the new generation of people who will be voting. Hence, they will vote on how much you and I will have to pay in taxes. Furthermore, Millennials are putting off, or even abandoning traditional staples of growing older.
Thus, many will not get married and have children. Thus, they have no empathy towards parents and providers. Because of this, people who sometimes work 7-days a week just to pay bills get called the “1%.” Millennials call themselves the “99%.”
Trial Lawyers Cutting off their Arm to Spite Their Face?
Many trial attorneys have played into this stereotype. Thus, they are supporting specific policies and politicians doing nothing but preying on Millennials. Hence, they are supporting unsustainable entitlements such as ObamaCare. They even think there is such a thing as “free college.” So this is just one reckless proposal.
Most important here, many Millennials are instead left burdened by student debt. But this gets caused by current government subsidies. The sense of entitlement that hurts so many Millennials isn’t even rooted in them. Rather, it gets rooted in cynical politicians recycling failed ideas. But
So this is just one reckless proposal. Most important here, many Millennials are instead left burdened by student debt. But this gets caused by current government subsidies. The sense of entitlement that hurts so many Millennials isn’t even rooted in them. Rather, it gets rooted in cynical politicians recycling failed ideas. But
Most important here, many Millennials are instead left burdened by student debt. But this gets caused by current government subsidies. The sense of entitlement that hurts so many Millennials isn’t even rooted in them. Rather, it gets rooted in cynical politicians recycling failed ideas. But even more shocking, they get supported by donations from trial attorneys.
The Entitlement Mentality Hurts Law Practices
The sense of entitlement that bothers so many Millennials isn’t even rooted in them. Also, this is a broad-based effort by a former Nazi collaborator and others. George Soros and the One World Government movement are creating racial/economic class systems. Once there is a permanent voting base that is in ruins, they will vote to take the property of others.
The Bolshevik movement in Soviet Russia has many parallels. Thus cynical politicians are recycling failed ideas. Last, this gets done to set up a permanent, poor voting class. Sadly, many of these policies get supported by donations from trial attorneys.
Hiring Millennials – Yikes!
When firms do hire a Millennials, they risk EEOC complaints. Also, they could be about the slightest infractions. Also, companies are discovering that many of these recent college grads cannot spell, or understand basic grammar. But they do know about “safe spaces,” and mandatory breaks. As discussed they also know how to file an employment discrimination suit.
Having one of these kids as a client means no economic damages, or microscopic. It also means having to baby these customers. Last, lawyers deal with Millennial fundamental distrust of lawyers, and others in the business.
Reversing the Tide
How can trial attorneys help reverse this tide? Well, first, they can support those that allow for the liberty of the individual. Older Americans tend to have more wealth and sense of responsibility. Also, this is due to their wisdom and because they got taught core values, civics, and hard work.
Thus, these are clients that suffer the most when injured. Also, they require close attention from a personal injury attorney. Active duty military and veterans are also reliable and responsible clients. These are people that understand the values of hard work. They are the exact opposite of the professional student class known as “Millennials.”
Supporting policies that harm Millennials and the overall job market is a foolish idea. Of particular interest, it will further hurt margins for attorneys across the country. Because of this, California veers further and further left. The longer these policies grow, the fewer Millennials will be good clients. Thus, the next generation of attorneys will see a reduction in profits. Last, the rest of Americans will see a rise in the need for leadership.