USPS Worker Mauled to Death by Dogs
A Case for Dog Bite Lawsuit?
Ultimate Guide to Understanding USPS Dog Bites
Tragedy struck on 21st August 2022 when a United States Postal Service mail carrier got attacked by five dogs in Florida, leaving her with serious injuries.
Let’s explore the details of the incident with Ehline Law and our dog bite injury attorneys.
Postal Vehicle Broke down at Interlachen Lakes Estates Neighborhood, Sheriff’s Officials Say
Pamela Jane Rock, a 61-year-old Florida woman and a US Postal Service mail carrier, was on duty delivering mail when her vehicle broke down at the Interlachen Lake Estates area, 65 miles south of Jacksonville.
Rock got outside her vehicle to investigate the issue but couldn’t determine the problem. She called for assistance and decided to wait outside her van until help arrived. Unfortunately, tragedy struck.
According to NBC News, five dogs broke through a fence and immediately attacked Rock, mauling her down. Rock’s screaming while on the ground with five dogs attacking her alerted the neighbors, who rushed to pull away the pet dogs.
One of the neighbors shot five times in the air to deter the animals but to no avail; the dogs kept snapping at the 61-year-old woman. By the time the Putnam County sheriff arrived, the dogs’ owner had already contained the pets.
Putnam County Sheriff’s Office Confirms the Death of the USPS Worker
What went down at Interlachen Lake Estates on Sunday was a horror scene for Pamela Jane Rock, 61, and the neighbors. When the rescue units arrived, the Florida woman was immediately taken to HCA Florida Putnam Hospital. Still, due to the severity of the injuries, the doctors decided to fly her off to a trauma center in Gainesville, Florida.
Kaydee Richley, Rock’s niece, stayed by her side throughout. On Monday, 22nd August 2022, the Putnam County sheriff’s office confirmed that the postal worker died after the doctors amputated her arm in a bid for her survival.
Owner Relinquishes Custody of Pets to Animal Control
When animal control arrived at the scene of the accident, the owner relinquished custody of the pet dogs. According to the Putnam County sheriff’s Col. Joseph Wells, the dogs will be “humanely euthanized” to prevent any such accidents from happening in the future.
Surprisingly, this wasn’t Animal Control’s first visit to the Interlachen Lake Estates area. They received animal calls previously from the same place, and they are unclear whether these are the same dogs. Wells and the animal control workers have decided to review the previous phone calls and talk to witnesses for more information.
“Postal Family Member Lost Her Life” – USPS Statement
In a statement released by USPS, the company stated that the Postal Service is deeply saddened over the death of their postal worker from the violent dog bite attack. The Postal Service also noted that the organization prioritizes its employees’ safety over anything else, so they conduct regular dog bite awareness training.
The company provides each employee with pepper spray and a mail satchel as a first line of defense. USPS also reminded dog owners that it is their responsibility to restrain their pets when postal workers drop their parcels and carry out their duties.
The Sheriff’s office said that they are investigating the incident.
History of Fatal Dog Attacks in Florida
The Putnam County sheriff’s office said that Rock’s death wasn’t the first of its kind. Since 2007, six fatal dog attacks have occurred in Northeast Florida.
- In 2007, two pit bulls attacked their owner, a 42-year-old Middleburg woman.
- In 2010, a dog mauled and killed an infant in Arlington.
- In 2011, a pit bull killed a man in Putnam County.
- In 2012, a Rottweiler mauled a 17-month-old boy who wandered into his neighbor’s yard.
- A Jacksonville man died from a pack of dogs attacking him in 2016.
USPS Worker Mauled to Death by Dogs: Can Rock’s Surviving Family Members Sue the Dog Owner?
Florida is a “strict liability” state meaning that dog owners can be held liable for a dog bite. To have a valid dog bite lawsuit in Florida, victims must prove the following:
- The dog bit them
- The victim was on public property or lawfully on private land.
The victim can claim compensation in Florida under negligence, negligence per see, scienter, or intentional tort law for dog bites.
Suffering from Dog Bite Injuries in California? Schedule Free Consultation with Ehline Law
Like Florida, California is a strict liability state. We want to remind dog owners and victims that they can pursue claims against negligent landlords and masters.
If you or someone you love suffer from severe dog bite injuries in California due to the dog owner’s negligence, you are reminded to contact animal control. After going to the hospital, contact us at (833) LETS-SUE for a free consultation with our California dog bite injury attorneys, as you may qualify for compensation.