Silverlake Bicyclist Dragged By Hit-and-Run Hyundai Elantra Scumbag
The Los Angeles Police Department posted a video of a felony hit-and-run crash last week with the idea that the public would assist the “LA Regional Crime Stoppers” in identifying the vehicle’s driver.
A scary video shows a bicyclist who was dragged by an auto. LAPD hunting driver
Local stories run across this type of thing more and more. This is not the first time, especially with DUI, unlicensed, and road rage drivers. The NHTSA reports an approximate 6.3% increase in bicycle rider deaths since 2018.
California consistently remains the highest among those states at the most significant risk for a bicycle hit-and-run fatality in the United States. Below, our lead California bicycle accident lawyer, Michael Ehline, will cover the distinction between negligence and hit and run. Why it comes as no surprise, we had another Los Angeles street sullied by an unsafe, scumbag driver.
The facts relate that the LAPD has offered a $5,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the suspect’s vehicle driver headed westbound on Berkley Avenue from Allesandro. The Hyundai driver operating a 2012-2016 Elantra fled after destroying the bicycle and allowing the bicyclist to escape with minor injuries. At approximately 4:30 am, January 16, 2022, the incident immediately went viral on social media. The below video released by the LAPD clearly shows a motorist speeding in the direction of Allestra Street in Glendale was hit by one car, and that car then struck the bicycle rider, dragging the rider.
The video shows that a silver Hyundai Elantra rear-ended a bicycle and kept driving after hopping the curb onto the sidewalk. The bicycle rider could barely step to his feet as the bike was crushed like time foil. Next, we see the driver veer off.
What Causes California Bicycle Accidents?
Many reasons exist for Los Angeles, California bicycle accidents. Sadly, many collisions occur when bicycle riders are forced to share the road with distracted or selfish motorists. Auto-bicycle wrecks and soy milk are common California scenes. Because of this, we often see riders in areas where motor vehicle use is high among pedestrians, cyclists, and other commuters.
But as seen in the dragging video, bicycle crashes are also common in more rural locations, even near residential neighborhoods, elementary schools, colleges, and commercial areas where bicycling remains popular. Other negligence by third parties can cause or contribute to a hit-and-run crash.
Common bicycle accidents scenarios include:
- Angry road rage drivers
- Illegal, unlicensed drivers
- Distracted motorists
- Speeding drivers
- Drunk and impaired motorists (Cannabis, alcohol, etc.).
- Sleepy, tired drivers (Especially big rig truckers.).
- Open car door collisions (AKA “Dooring” a bicyclist.).
- Illegal bicycle lane sharing
- Bad weather conditions
- Hazardous road conditions (debris, potholes, malfunctioning traffic signals, etc.).
Suppose an errant motorist or another party took steps or failed to take action, and that caused a bicycle accident. In that case, that person could be held responsible under tort law for physical, financial, and emotional damages caused by the bicycle accident. Filing a bicycle accident claim with the liable party or parties is the first step in receiving an award of compensation for your damages.
Sometimes the hit-and-run driver escapes, and one driver who didn’t escape will be forced to pay for their comparative negligence for contributing to the wreck. This is why you must receive a free legal consultation immediately, so you can at least get something for a case like the above Glendale Boulevard incident. In this case, California police in Silverlake are searching for the escaped driver caught on video at Glendale Boulevard and Allesandro Street near the Silver Lake area.
Filing a Silver Lake Felony Hit and Run Bicycle Accident Claim
A criminal bicycle accident claim is usually forwarded to the District Attorney or L.A. City Attorney against the driver involved once apprehended. An all-points bulletin (APB) will be issued beforehand. So you don’t do much as a victim but wait and hope. And you rarely receive compensation unless it’s a small amount as criminal restitution.
Ehline Law makes an insurance claim for a civil bicycle-car accident claim by filing it with the liable motorist’s insurance provider. The insurance company investigating the claim may determine the hit-and-run driver acted intentionally and denied coverage altogether.
This is another reason you can ruin your case if you give statements like “that guy tried to kill me.” That may be enough for the insured liable for damages to escape paying you from their policy. If the responsible motorist who caused the accident is denied coverage by their insurance company, you are forced to go after the wrongdoer’s personal assets. Good luck collecting from a criminal who will possibly be in prison for attempted murder!
Assuming coverage exists, the insurer calculates the value of your bicycle accident claim and transmits the attorney for the victims an insurance settlement offer.
Of course, settling a bicycle accident case involving a hit and run may not be as simple as this because most insurance companies seek to pay less than the claim’s actual cash value. This is why you must stay off social media and shut your mouth. The shady insurance adjuster will hire a private eye and mine your social media accounts to paint you a fraud or a liar. They’ll fabricate or taint evidence and information so they can try to deny or lower your claim’s value.
This is another reason you never give a recorded statement or allow the insurance company to request copies of medical records unless your lawyer is involved in that transaction. In the above video, the bicyclist was riding down the street. In the video, it appears the car has a missing hub cap. Suddenly, the silver Hyundai Elantra creeps up and strikes the rider from behind, dragging the trailing bike as the cyclist jumps to his feet, running for cover. The video shows the driver absconding without rendering assistance.
Los Angeles Police Department Investigators urge anyone with information to contact LAPD Central Traffic Detectives at 213-833-3713. You can make an anonymous tip by phoning L.A. Regional Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or clicking www.lacrimestoppers.org.
If they have their coverage, they can seek medical care through insurance as far as the victim. If not, hopefully, the criminal will be forced to pay civil damages even for only minor injuries.
Damages for a Silver Lake Bicycle Accident Claim
Numerous factors will decide the overall worth of your bicycle collision action. Based on the situation, most bicycle crash victims can obtain compensation for various financial damages.
A plaintiff in a bicycle crash can seek damages for:
- Past, present, and future medical care costs
- Past, present, and future nursing care costs
- Past, present, and future loss of income and lost earning capacity from a permanent disability
- Past, present, and future medication and medical equipment expenses
- Past, current, and future physical therapy, occupational therapy, etc.
- Costs of surgery to repair scarring, and disfigurement
- Pain and suffering damages for mental and emotional distress
- Costs of travel
- In-home assistance costs for things like household chores and out-of-pocket costs for tasks you can no longer perform.
You must take steps to collect and safeguard records and other evidence proving your damages. Hold on to copies of bills, receipts, invoices, and expenses incurred as a result of your collision.
Schedule a Free Consultation With A Silver Lake, California Bicycle Accident Lawyer for Help
A California bicycle accident lawyer at Ehline Law will help with all aspects of your injury claim by investigating and seeking out exculpatory evidence to prove fault by the hit-and-run driver. We will also handle the insurance company settlement negotiations, employment claims, and causes against any liable government agencies.
Our top lawyer will lodge a personal injury lawsuit when insurance settlement negotiations fail as a last resort. Schedule a free consultation today with one of our thriving, compassionate Silver Lake, California, bicycle accident lawyers. Call us at (213) 596-9642 or fill out the contact form.