Sexual Assault on Cruise from Iceland to Boston by a Cruise Passenger
According to the Department of Transportation, there were 101 allegations of sexual assault on cruise ships in 2019, with most of them carried out by crew members on passengers.
However, in recent news, a sexual assault happened involving a crew member and a passenger on a cruise ship, but this time it was the other way around. Let’s explore the details of the news with Ehline Law and our personal injury attorneys.
Crew Member Sexually Abused in Early Morning Hours Aboard the Celebrity Summit
In August 2022, a Minnesota man traveling from Iceland to Boston engaged in sexual contact with one of the crew members on the Celebrity Summit cruise ship.
The Celebrity Summit cruise ship was traveling from Reykjavik to Boston when during the early hours of the day, a 45-year-old cruise passenger, Daniel Farias, sexually assaulted a crew member.
The Passenger Grabbed Victim’s Forearm and Genitalia While Alone in the Restroom
According to court documents, a male crew member entered the mid-ship men’s restroom for routine cleaning when Farias was alone in one of the stalls. Farias allegedly exited the stall before pulling the male crewmember towards himself and engaging in sexual conduct by rubbing the victim’s forearm.
When the victim pulled away, Farias didn’t stop and grabbed the victim’s genitalia before proceeding to make a sexually explicit comment. Farias apologized after the victim pulled away again and asked the crew member not to report what happened before exiting the restroom.
Farias to Appear in Federal Court in January 2023
Following the incident, the crew member filed a criminal complaint against Farias, after which he got indicted by a federal grand jury in Boston for allegations of abusive sexual contact.
Farias is waiting to face trial for his crimes at a federal court in Boston in January 2023. The federal grand jury will decide the sentence for the abusive sexual contact with the crew member.
Under criminal law, a person may face up to two years in prison, up to one year of supervised release, and a fine of up to $250,000 for abusive sexual contact.
Can Crewmembers Sue Passengers for Sexual Assault?
Generally, when a flight attendant suffers injuries caused by an unruly passenger, they may be able to recover damages by filing a workers’ compensation claim.
A crew member may also be able to recover compensation for the damages incurred due to sexual assault carried out by a passenger under the Jones Act.
Victims can pursue a civil claim, but it can be challenging to fight a legal battle in court which is why it is crucial for cruise ship sexual assault victims to discuss their case with experienced personal injury attorneys.
Schedule a Free Consultation with Ehline Law
If you are a crew member and suffered injuries on a cruise ship or got sexually assaulted by another crewmember or a passenger, contact us at (833) LETS-SUE for a free consultation, as you may be able to seek compensation.