What Are The Top 3 Lowrider Car Clubs In L.A.?
Los Angeles Lowriding – What’s It All About?
It’s almost like you can’t quite put your finger on it. However, the way that mechanics and enthusiasts create beautiful rides is incredible. So what is a lowrider? A low-rider can be a person or a type of custom motorized vehicle. (sometimes low rider ).
First of all, the low-rider car came before the low-rider person. As discussed, it is a class or style of customized vehicle and also describes a certain “Cholo” type of individual who “cruises” up and down the boulevard in their custom car.
What if I’m Injured Cruising Guey!?
If you have a family member involved in lowriding it is likely that they are involved in some sort of manufacturing or remanufacturing activity, whether through a car club, mechanic school, or some other recreational organization.
Lowrider clubs are a great way for families to stay social, learn valuable people skills, practice discipline and commitment, and have some fun. But lowriding also poses incredible personal injury risks to others.
The customized vehicles the human low-riders cruise in are often covered with ornate paintings of various Mexican-American imagery, or intricate pictures of saints like the Virgin Mary, or semi and even fully nude Cholas or “Hynes.”
Many are equipped with hydraulics that can make the vehicle lean and bounce up and down on its wheels and tires with a button’s press or flick of a switch. And the wheels are tires also unique. Most popular are wire-spoke wheels coupled with whitewall tires—generally, the wheels or “rims” start around 13″ in diameter.
But modernly, some cruisers are using spinners and tiny dubs. Because of its unique characteristics, while a low-rider is always a lowered car, a lowered car is not always a low-rider.
The term is used to describe a class of vehicles, not simply the height from ground to chassis. The term low-rider can also refer to the driver of the car.
We’re going to take a look at some of the most popular low-rider clubs in the greater Los Angeles area. Have one that’s not on the list? Please email us!
More Than Just A Flash Of Car Culture.
1. Imperials Car Club.
The LA Times has a good article on the history of the lowrider in the LA area. Below are some cool car clubs. For example, check out the following:
- Imperials Car Club (Facebook page here). And take a look at the shine and chrome on these babies! It’s among the sharpest of the LA clubs. Right away, you can tell the care needed to combine classic style with creative touches. Obviously, it goes well beyond low-riders and gives eye candy to people of all ages.
2. The Odd Squad.
- The Odd Squad does more than just low-riders; you can see the special-ness of its members’ low-riders. No matter what, if you’re looking for a way to take a look at some of the best custom cars in the greater LA area, you want to check out the club. Custom-made hot rods, cruisers, and more are on the docket and give you a chance to learn a lot about cars and the people that own them.
3. Ultimate Low-riders.
One of the most famous custom car clubs,
- is the Ultimate Riders, which is ultimately based in the Inland Empire. However, it has an amazing presence in Los Angeles. Remarkably, the Riders have a fantastic assortment of low-riders from each decade. For example, please take a look at beautiful cars from the 50s, 60s, and 70s, and marvel at the precision in each of them. In fact, colorful vehicles assembled in Detroit make this club one of the tops in the area.
Sometimes hydraulic fail or a part breaks, leading to serious and catastrophic injuries. Broken bones, torn muscles and ligaments, concussions, and even traumatic brain injuries can result,
Like most car crashes, spinal cord injuries are sadly common maladies pedestrians and vehicle occupants suffer.
These injuries are harmful by themselves but can worsen without proper medical care, both physically and mentally.
Suppose you or a loved one has suffered a serious lowrider injury and you know or have strong reason to believe it was caused partially or entirely by a bad mechanic, a faulty car part, or poor supervision. In that case, our talented personal injury attorneys are standing by to help you and your loved ones get the compensation you deserve for your financial losses and physical suffering.
These lowriding injuries can have lasting lifelong implications. C0mpensation can make the difference between your family receiving vital treatment that enables them to recover or them being handicapped by this injury for the rest of their life expectancy.
Our car accident attorneys will start by asking the victim to review the facts of your circumstances. We will organize a complete review of any evidence, including any witnesses, who can identify proof that demonstrates rebuilt of remanufactured equipment failed.
We will seek out proof of anyone that conducted repairs or improvements failed in their duty of reasonable care—someone who violated their responsibility to take steps to protect road users from harm.
If you or your loved one was injured during a lowriding excursion, contact Ehline Law immediately to learn about your options. Our veteran, highly experienced lowrider accident lawyers are ready to help you and your family receive the compensation you deserve to make sure they have a healthy, blissful future.
So did we miss one on our list? Why not send us an email, and we’ll check it out. Of course, keep riding and driving like it’s going out of style!
What are the Driving Directions from the LA Times to Ehline Law Firm?
The drive is about 4 min (0.8 miles) via W 1st St and S Grand Ave, and this is usually the fastest route to the Los Angeles Times at 202 W 1st St, Los Angeles, CA 90012.
- Head northwest on W 1st St toward N Broadway 0.3 mi.
- Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto S Grand Ave. 0.5 mi.
- Turn right onto W 5th St.
- Your destination will be on the right at 282 ft at 633 W 5th St #2890, Los Angeles, CA 90071.
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