In the News: Rottweiler Attacks Grandmother and Children
Another Tragedy Due to Attack
A North Carolina grandmother is dead, and two grandchildren are injured following an attack by Rottweilers. The news comes to us from WRAL news. The attack happened in Robeson County. It resulted in the death of Esta Currier, aged 73. Her grandchildren, old 7 and 9, were hospitalized for their injuries. They were in stable condition after requiring an airlift to the hospital. According to police, the family was attacked by multiple aggressive dogs.
After the incident, the authorities killed the animals. Deputies shot the animals during the attack, which resulted in the wife of the dog’s owner being injured by a bullet fragment. Brenda Walters, aged 56, required medical treatment as well.
The Sheriff’s Office said that Currier was picking up her grandchildren from the school bus stop when attacked by the animals. The incident was so severe that the State Bureau of Investigation is investigating the circumstances.
The local mayor said that the dogs are generally behind fences. At the time of the WRAL article’s writing, the police were still determining whether or not to charge the dog’s owner. More info is coming. This incident is not the first– nor the last such attack involving Rottweilers. The muscular body and selective breeding of the dog make these types of attacks not uncommon. This is a real shame.
Follows Fatal Attack on Infant Girl
Unfortunately, this case was not the only one in recent memory. Fox KVVU Las Vegas reported on a terrible case near that city. In April 2019, a Rottweiler killed an infant girl in Henderson, Nevada. According to the police, a four-year-old dog killed the 15-month girl. She was seriously injured at home and transported to the hospital, where she succumbed to her injuries.
Following the incident, the animal was euthanized. The dog belonged to the girl’s grandfather, who said that the dog never showed signs of being aggressive before. For more info on dog attacks, keep reading our site. We update with new cases as they happen.