Enemies Could Use DNA Tests To Kill Americans, Rep. Jason Crow Warns
Brave Democrat Stands Up For Freedom?
Ultimate Guide to Understanding DNA Testing Concerns
Since the discovery of DNA, it has always been surrounded by fear and apprehension about how it could be used. The risks posed by mRNA vaccines make it far easier for U.S. enemies to intentionally spread DNA trap doors to give you cancers, thrombosis, or other disorders that are not a fantasy.
The Many Life-Threatening Possibilities of U.S. Enemies or U.S. Lawmakers and Military Targeting Your DNA
More than one Army gen and even more military experts say it’s no conspiracy theory at all. Thinking of the endless possibilities of DNA manipulation makes people like Jason Crow, a Democrat representing parts of Colorado, believe that enemies could use DNA tests to kill specific individuals.
Army Ranger Democrat Claims DNA Targeting Is Being Used Right Now to Kill Political Opponents?
That is correct. First elected in 2018, the former Army Ranger launched a campaign to have an open and public discussion regarding using someone’s DNA information by testing companies such as 23andme.
He also shared terrifying data about the risks of the targeted agricultural sector, causing food scarcity. He said the resulting food insecurity drives instability.
Other well-respected individuals, such as U.S. Army General Richard Clarke, support him. He reportedly spoke forebodingly about the issue, with the head of the U.S. Special Operations Command saying how such methods were used to kill Sergei Skripal.
Now many people worry about countries like China specifically targeting the DNA of European stock with viruses far beyond what they have created in labs thus far. Do you believe that U.S. enemies or even certain agencies like the CDC and WHO are a threat to you and your loved ones? Do you want more information about the risks of DNA testing, or feel your rights have been violated? Call Ehline Law Firm today.
The ORIGINAL Movie, Red Dawn, and Why It Matters?
What if your doctor or an ancestry DNA testing company turns your genetic swab data over and sells it to big pharma or the communist Chinese? Many of us remember the original movie, Red Dawn (the second, politically correct Red Dawn movie edited out this important scene.)
Targeting Certain Races and Individuals for Genetic Extermination?
Similarly, with DNA testing data, a rogue state like communist Russia or North Korea could annihilate your entire family and family tree to boot if you are of the wrong race or support a political party with “unacceptable views.” So if you want to sanction China, for example, over how they treat their citizens, beware of the consequences you could face. Some people who study history are worried. If your genetic data is used against you or a close family member, you’ll probably need a great lawyer if you survive.
We offer a free consultation to discuss all your options to keep your gene pool safe and the kind of money damages you can expect if your genes are compromised by one of these corporations or a government agency.
Why Jason Crow Warns Enemies Could Use Biological Weapons
Fortunately, one holdout democrat in Washington, DC, is fighting for your rights over this issue. Many believe this is not farfetched and don’t trust what they call “China-funded media.” As lawyers who look at evidence that is not presented by only one side, we should not be so quick to brush him aside.
“NBC News, CNBC, and MSNBC are owned by Comcast, which also owns Universal Pictures, which is a minority partner to five Chinese state-owned companies in the Universal Beijing Resort.” – Source.
There is definitely a history of U.S. enemies and even our own government (Operation Mockingbird, etc.) intentionally spreading diseases to undesirables (Many believe Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood to exterminate black babies, for example), targeting political opponents, and causing food insecurity. So it’s possible to use DNA to create a biological weapon to harm people, and there appear to be motivated to do so.
A lab-manufactured virus could even be used to force “vote by mail” elections, with hundreds of thousands of unsecured ballots electing a puppet of one of our enemies like China.
Let’s look at the facts; you can decide what to believe.
While addressing the Aspen Security Forum, Crow warns enemies could use someone’s DNA against them and also target food security by harming agriculture because:
Biological Weapons Have Been Used Before
Joni Ernst warned about the increase of enemies intentionally spreading disease. This is harming agriculture, according to the Senate Armed Services Committee member.
At the Aspen Security Forum, Crow, a former Army Ranger, said that this is not the first time we have seen incidents of a sophisticated biochemical weapon used against people and gave a few examples, such as:
- Use of highly pathogenic avian influenza in animal agriculture
- Harming agriculture using African swine fever to destabilize food security
- Use of a nerve agent to kill Sergei Skripal.
Limited Oversight of DNA Testing Services
Jason Crow explained that there is a need for an open and public discussion on the threat posed by DNA testing companies, especially regarding what happens to DNA information and your data.
Impact of Sci-Fi
Crow warns that Americans’ enemies could use DNA to build weapons directed at specific people, similar to what happened in the new addition to the James Bond series, No Time To Die.
Should You Be Worried About Sophisticated Weapons?
Regarding African swine fever, Ernst of the Senate Armed Services Committee warned people to be vigilant. Enemies intentionally spreading diseases and causing food insecurity are a real threat, even on our own soil.
Ehline Law Can Help You Feel Safer on Your Own Soil
If you want to have a strong and dedicated lawyer fighting for your rights, and lobbying Congress to keep our genetic data sacrosanct, call our law offices today, and we will help you with the following:
Advice on Your Legal Rights
Not many people are familiar with their rights regarding DNA tests, and our experienced attorneys are ready to assist.
Sue DNA Testing Services
DNA companies need to be held accountable by patients for what they do with their medical profiles.
Call Ehline Law Today!
Michael Ehline and his team of super lawyers are waiting to assist with any issues regarding the misuse of a client’s DNA information and medical profile. Give us a call at (833) LETS-SUE, and schedule a free consultation.