Carjackings Surge in Democrat Run Cities
On Thursday, we saw a man wielding a knife attack and stabbing a man near a subway.
On Friday, another man attacked a couple in New York. Then a 29-year-old man was shot in the head at a New York Deli. Although none of these were carjackings, we see a pattern of violent felons being released from custody and Police hesitant to intervene or enforce laws. On April 5, 2022, the United States saw the latest Democratic attempt to address the rising crime, especially carjackings, in Democratic-run cities.
Avoiding personal injury and wrongful death is on the minds of many blue state residents more and more. State Senate majority leader Kimberly Lightford discussed how she was also one of the carjacking victims in December 2021 as she recalled the chilling events of that day.
As a public member, the elite Ehline Law Firm feels it is our responsibility to create awareness of such issues and provide additional resources to equip our members for better such events. Michael Ehline, our lead counsel, is a self-defense expert and civil rights/personal injury lawyer in Los Angeles. Michael’s below article will explore some startling carjacking statistics, the measures introduced by Democrats, and how you could protect yourself from a violent attack while driving.
Our previous article discussed the recent mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas, and how Police have no general duty to protect you, which appears to be accelerating the Democrat “defund the police” movement.
We are seeing mass immigration of families with children and gun owners from blue states to red states. In a previous article, we discussed public schools and the lack of emergency action plans. Later we spoke about how prosecutors elected in blue counties release violent felons and gang members en masse.
Many elected prosecutors are releasing violent felons from jail with no bail or a tiny bond; traditional Californians, especially veterans, are leaving en masse. Many Police and traditional law and order prosecutors are taking early retirements and moving to states like Texas and Florida.
Democrats blame the Police and say they are not doing enough. They also blame Republicans, claiming they are the ones defunding Municipal Police.
Republicans counter that even if that were true, democrat prosecutors, elected with Soros’s money, are releasing the most dangerous criminals to kill and maim again.
If the accused is a minority, they are victims and get special treatment with no or low bail to make things more “fair.” Basically, it’s a form of affirmative action for criminals to balance out “white privilege.” Under the constitution, this is called disparate treatment. However, prosecutors are shielded from personal liability due to “prosecutorial discretion.”
Ultimately, the blurred line between the public defender and the prosecutor is not just a trend in California. Many younger democrats blame systemic racism and white privilege for minorities causing crime.
So it’s easy to see why traditional law and order-minded families are frightened, with no end to the crime wave in sight. So let’s try to understand what is happening and see how public safety, or lack thereof, has led to rampant carjacking and home invasion robberies.
Carjacking Gone Rampant: Statistics for Democrat-Run Cities
The top 10 cities with the most overall violent crimes are all run by Democrats, including New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, Memphis, Detroit, Dallas, Phoenix, and Baltimore. Motor vehicle theft remained the most reported crime in the country, with eight out of ten people reporting the crime after it occurred.
After the Race Riots of 2020, Law Enforcement Officers Are Less Aggressive, Fearing Lawsuits
We know that for-profit media and blue-state politicians have made their police forces whipping boys ever since George Floyd was detained and murdered by Officer Chauvin in Minnesota. Although there was never any evidence presented that Chauvin and his multi-racial arrest team were civil rights violators in the form of racists, “systemic racism” was the reason given by BLM for Floyd’s arrest and killing. This was the accepted narrative used in the media, which led to cries to “defund the police.” (Learn more about George Floyd here.).
From 2019 to 2021, carjacking quadrupled in Philadelphia, and in 2022, the figures are most likely to double at the very least. Police commissioner Danielle Outlaw stated that law enforcement officers take an aggressive approach to investigations and target carjackers. Chicago also made headlines last year in 2021 when it reported 1,900 carjacking incidents, the highest in the previous ten years.
Two months into the year 2022, New Orleans already saw more than 66% of carjacking incidents compared to the whole year 2019. Washington, D.C. also saw an exponential rise in carjackings, with 2019 reporting around 142 incidents, while the year 2021 saw 426 carjackings.
What’s surprising is that most of the carjackings that happen at gunpoint are young teenagers or juveniles. After revealing that most of their arrests included children, even eleven-year-olds charged with armed carjacking, law enforcement officers are now troubled. In D.C., over 200 carjacking incidents involved young people.
D.C.’s attorney general stated a drop in cases of violent crimes committed by juveniles, except for carjacking, which almost tripled. To combat the rising number of carjacking cases in Illinois, the Senate Democrats passed a few bills on April 5, 2022.
Legislation Introduced by Illinois Democrats
The Illinois Senate Democrats unveiled some legislation on April 5, 2022, to address the rising carjacking crimes in the country by protecting victims and providing additional resources to police departments and other law enforcement cooperatives to capture the culprits.
Cooperation Between Metropolitan Law Enforcement Groups
The first measure put forward by Sen. Robert Martwick was the need for cooperation between Metropolitan Enforcement Groups that comprise state and local law enforcement authorities. The idea behind this solution was that law enforcement authorities would be better equipped to deal with the rise in carjackings by working together.
Sen. Rob Martwick stated that by pooling resources available to state police departments, county sheriffs, and municipalities together, law enforcement cooperatives would be able to target carjackings effectively.
The bill would also allow these law enforcement agencies state grants that they could use to combat the rise in crime. Sen. Martwick noted that they’re in intense budget negotiations on the grant programs laid out and trying to identify funding sources for this to be successful. Many of the public safety-centric measures initiated by the Democrats must go through the appropriations process.
Victims Can Now Appeal Violations
Another House bill by Sen. Omar Aquino aims to alleviate the trauma and burden faced by carjacking victims. They can appeal a violation, including a speed camera violation and traffic violation, racked up by carjackers, to the hearing officer or the court. If a victim’s vehicle was stolen before the violations, they can appeal the violations and waive the impound fees.
Real-Time Tracking Information
Senator Michael Hastings sponsored a House bill on April 6, 2022, that focuses on using technology to get real-time tracking information. The law would require auto manufacturers to provide information about the types of tracking devices inside a vehicle according to the vehicle’s make, model, and year. The law also requires auto manufacturers to waive any renewal fees or maintenance fees for tracking devices.
These measures would help law enforcement officers track the vehicles and catch the perpetrators before they sell the car or its spare parts.
Senate Amendment 2
Sen. Robert Martwick also mentioned Senate Amendment 2 to the bill, that expands on the definition of carjacking. Under the amendment, carjacking is an act carried out by an individual or group of people stealing a person’s car either by threatening them or using force.
Under Illinois law, if Illinois state police arrest a carjacker, they are then charged with a Class 1 felony, which is punishable by four to fifteen years in prison. If the carjacking occurs with a gun, the crime is a Class X felony, which is punishable by 15 years to life.
The amendment aims at providing law enforcement officers with more ways and tools to ensure that the communities they serve are safe. Besides the legislation and law enforcement officers gearing up, residents must also take measures to protect themselves from carjacking.
How to Avoid Carjacking
Although carjacking can occur at any time of the day, most cases happen during late-night hours. Carjackers are often searching for vulnerable victims, and knowing how to respond to a threat could mean the difference between a severe injury, death, or walking away unhurt.
Trust Your Instincts
If you come across a stranded car late at night and the situation doesn’t “feel right,” walk away as it could be another car waiting to carjack someone. Police officials suggest calling 911 immediately and letting them know the location of the stranded vehicle rather than stopping for help. If somebody’s car got broken down, don’t stop. You can help by heading to the nearest phone to call for emergency services.
Hide Your Valuables
They are keeping jewelry and other valuables in a car where they might be visible increases the risk of carjacking. Most carjackers are looking to make quick money by either selling car parts or searching the car for valuables to sell. If you leave your valuables in the open, you invite carjackers.
Before leaving your vehicle, put valuable items away from sight in the car’s glove compartment or the trunk. Please don’t leave your mobile phone in the car as you need it to contact help if a carjacking occurs. In other words, look poor, drive a crappy car, or move to a state that will allow you to protect your family and with a police force that enforces laws with a color-blind mentality.
Park in Well Lit Areas
Carjackers are afraid of having their identities exposed, as it makes it easier for police authorities to track them down. This is why many carjacking incidents occur in areas that are not well-lit. Avoid parking your vehicle in the regions that might limit visibility, such as near a dumpster, behind a van or truck, or even in the woods.
You might sometimes forget where you parked your vehicle, so it is best not to wander around unassisted looking for your car. If you forget where you parked your car, find a security guard to assist you in finding your vehicle.
Be Aware of Your Surroundings
When you’ve parked your car or come to a stoplight, it is essential to stay aware of your surroundings. Leave enough room between your vehicle and others so that you can immediately exit the situation if you sense trouble. Before getting out of your car, look around for anything that might seem suspicious.
When driving, pay attention to any vehicles following you or people lurking. Carjackers use many tactics to lure their victims, including bumping into the victim’s car, flashing lights to misguide victims, or pretending to be stranded. Any of these situations would require you to get out of your vehicle to deal with the issue when the carjackers strike.
Keep the Doors Locked
If you’re in a parked car, ensure all the doors are locked, and the windows are up. Carjackers are always quick in carrying out their mission; a locked door can put a dent in it. It increases the chances of a carjacker walking away from the car. If the air conditioner is not working and the car is heating up, you can lower your window halfway but ensure that all the doors are completely locked.
Avoid Isolated ATMs
Stopping near an isolated ATM to withdraw cash increases the risk of robbery and carjacking. If you need money at night, try to find supermarkets with ATMs or locate an ATM in a crowded area.
Use Anti-theft Devices
Anti-theft devices make it difficult for carjackers to steal a car, and when they see these devices, it’s more likely they will walk away. The statistics suggest that most of the carjackers are young children, and the likelihood of them taking their time dismantling these anti-theft devices is relatively low. Buying an anti-theft device for your vehicle could also qualify you for an insurance discount, so that’s a bonus!
Exploit VIN
A VIN or vehicle identification number is a unique serial number given to a vehicle, and Police can use this information to track stolen cars. Make sure you write the VIN on the engine, the trunk, and the battery with paint so that carjackers can not remove it. This makes it difficult for them to sell a car and easier to track the thieves down.
What About Having a Gun In My Car?
In most blue states, having a gun in your car counts against crime victims. Besides, in California, you can’t have a handgun in your vehicle unless it’s unloaded and in a locked container. So there is no way an average person can retrieve their gun safe, unlock it, load their ten-round leading magazine, and slide the rack on their weapon in time.
Most robberies happen fast. According to many on the right, victims who manage to fend off attacks will most likely be branded as “radicals” by the traditional news and be charged with a crime. They will likely face charges from the same prosecutor accused of releasing the felons that attacked them.
What Should You Do During a Carjacking?
We’ve discussed some tips that one should follow to prevent carjacking, but what if you’re in the midst of one? What should you do? Run over assailants if they attack you while in your car is legal. But in California, you’d “probably still be arrested and charged with attempted murder or murder, especially if you are of the wrong skin color,” says “Roger,” a former LAPD officer who spoke to us on the condition of anonymity.
Officials from police departments across the United States warn individuals not to take action against carjackers, especially if they’re armed. Your car is replaceable, but not you, so give up the car and walk away if you’re threatened. Avoid verbal or physical confrontation with the carjacker, but pay attention to how they look. A description of the criminal can assist the Police in finding the culprit.
Police Departments Can Investigate or Respond to Crime Scenes
Once the culprits are gone with your car, call 911 and head to the nearest police station to report the crime. Make sure you file a police report at the station, and then call your insurance company to check if your policy covers car theft; if it does, immediately start the claims process. It is essential to notify your insurance company as soon as possible and run them through the event.
Schedule a Free Consultation With A Severe Injury Lawyer in Los Angeles Today
If you would like to discuss your public safety issues or speak to a severe injury lawyer in Los Angeles, please do not hesitate to contact us at +(833) LETS-SUE or send us an email at losangeles@ehlinelaw.com.
Works Cited:
- Western Journal: Court Docs: Medical Examiner Said George Floyd Had Stunning Level of Drugs in System