Canada Truck Convoy ‘No More Room for Vehicles’ or Freedom?
Truckers driving cross-border routes were exempt from the Trudeau regime’s mandates, as they had been considered “essential workers.” The Canadian Trucking Alliance proclaimed recently that 85% to 90% of Canada’s 120,000 cross-border truckers had already received the vaccination.
This government-licensed company also declared that most protesters had any “connection to the industry.” We asked for the source of this data about cross-border truck drivers, but so far, no one has replied to our requests about Canadians United against the mandates.
I am a California truck accident attorney, Michael Ehline. I also assist people with things like civil rights. I thought this was an exciting topic, so I wanted to make sense of truckers in the news. We see them getting attacked by mobs taking over freeways, overwhelmed with vehicle traffic regulations, and now protesting vaccine mandates.
How Can A Truck Accident Lawyer Help?
Driving trucks on tollways and freeways and sharing the road with big trucks and 18-wheelers can fry your nerve endings. Sometimes, the police may be trying to deprive you of your rights to protest, block your rig, and force you to crash. Conservative politicians warn you could also be placed under surveillance by the secret state policy as a potential domestic terrorist for “wrong thinking.” These Stasi-like tactics can easily cause a terrible truck crash from the stress on the truckers. Also, a pro-government state actor with a sign promoting vaccines may join anti-free market forces to deny these essential workers hotel services, food, and even diesel fuel.
Copycats could mimic BLM rioters and drag truckers from their big rigs or run protesters over with their private cars at the city’s core near parliament buildings. This leaves the truckers forced to act in self-defense, only to be falsely charged with murder. Even triggering a millennial in the passing lane could be enough to face administrative complaints at the DMV.
Even without all this political drama, truck accidents regularly occur, causing many road-related injuries and fatalities in Canada and across the border. The personal injury Ehline Law firm fights to obtain fair compensation for truck accident victims in Riverside, Sacramento, San Diego, and Northern California.
Other Reasons for Truck Accidents
Big rig semi-truck and tractor-trailer wrecks account for many accidents each driving mile. Because these vehicles are behemoths (Sometimes 30 times more than a passenger car), a car crash or motorcycle crash with a truck can result in mass casualties. The driver and passenger vehicle occupant(s) always see more significant injuries and deaths, often crushed like tin foil. Large trucks also have many blind spots and remain far more difficult to maneuver, especially in rain, windy or snowy conditions.
The Freedom Convoy Trucker must exercise due care not to injure other road users as they roll down the highway. Most people are rightly scared of big trucks. Driving alongside an 18-wheeler wheel truck can induce high anxiety in other road users. Because of this risk, large semis and tractor-trailers remain heavily regulated, subject to many draconian laws crafted to protect public road users as risk mitigation.
Canadian truckers, Canadian, U.S., State, provincial and federal laws will require cross-border trucks to be routinely inspected. Now, they must also receive repeated injections as a condition of delivering goods and products and proof of proper vehicle maintenance.
In California, our truckers must comply with specific regulations covering the weight limits of trucks, their maximum sizes, the type of freight being hauled, special licenses, and hourly driving limits.
Despite all these mandates, legislation, and regulations, wheel truck accidents are regularly caused by:
- Trucking company negligence
- Poor truck maintenance
- Truck driver errors or mistakes in judgment
- Truck diver fatigue
- Distracted trucking
- Bad weather and poor road conditions
- Overloaded or improperly loaded trailers
- Poorly strapped. unsafe, unsecured loading issues
- Hazardous material transport spills and fires.
A top cause of wheel-truck accidents included failure to maintain fleet vehicles properly. These large trucking companies are regularly found negligent when mechanics or managers fail to conduct proper maintenance regularly. State and federal DOT laws impose hourly driving limits, but that doesn’t mean the truckers won’t drive too many hours over long distances to meet stretched supply chain delivery deadlines.
Because of this, truckers are often overtired, irritable, and readily distracted. Even with drug testing, amphetamines are common in the trucking industry. Trucking, in general, can already lead to tragic consequences.
Enter The Freedom Convoy Vehicles
With over 99,000 donors, U.S. podcaster Joe Rogan, Donald Trump Jr, and British comedian Russell Brand have thrown their support behind the truckers in downtown Ottawa near Parliament Hill. Out of frustration or simply pure exasperation, these workers seek their champion and say “enough to the federal government” and brave city officials like Police Chief Peter Slowly. In the freezing snow, the so-called Freedom Convoy, with its display of Canadian flags, has been all but whitewashed by controlled opposition media sources. We only see the stories about emergency vehicles being blocked in and around British Columbia. The truckers wanted to reverse the controversial border vaccine mandate and end mandates across Canada and Ottawa on Saturday yesterday.
The news would rather discuss the Quebec City mosque attack than the freedom convoy vehicles with their anti-vaccine mandate platform.
“We want to be free, we want to have our choice again, and we want hope – and the government has taken that away” (Harold Jonke – truck driver in the cross-country convoy to Parliament Hill.).
Mind you, the vast majority of truckers have already had one jab. Most are making the epic 2,443-mile journey from Western Canada to Parliament Hill in Downtown Ottowa from Prince Rupert out of disgust.
Canadians United Against Hate, considered a far-left, pro-Canadian Trudeau organization by non-Trudeau fans, organized its “inter-faith candlelight vigil” as part of a “human rights monument” ceremony at Ottawa City Hall, several blocks south of Parliament Hill to paint the truckers as Muslim racists, etc.
Wheel Trucks Blocking Emergency Vehicles Near Parliament Hill?
First responders like the Downtown Ottawa Police and others must get around and can be blocked by diesel rigs protesting the cross-border mandate. So there is a balancing of interests and ideology being driven home to the Ottawa City Hall and even blocking emergency lanes to the Ottawa National War Memorial, Ottawa Hospital, and the nation’s capital.
Gatineau police effectively blocked the Hull, blaming traffic congestion. Their solution, shut down the Portage and Chaudiere bridges to traffic for several hours. “..with only one lane open for emergency vehicles. You could see traffic impacts on Wellington Street, Queen Street, Metcalfe Street, O’Connor Street, Lyon Street, Kent Street, Sir John A Macdonald Parkway, Queen Elizabeth Driveway, Laurier Avenue, and Elgin Street around Confederation Park.”
It is not uncommon to see bundled-up protesters waving Canadian flags near a logging truck parked on Wellington Street in the Parliament Hill sector. Pro-limited government forces rallied hard against further COVID-19 dictates for truckers. Security concerns and allegations by the pro-government Canadian Press assert the protest convoy is just a “small fringe minority,” “Ottawa Core” of “far-right groups.”
But these political statements from a president who swept China’s extermination of its Muslim population under the rug ignore that even with the loss of a few cross-border truck drivers, we already see more truck accidents. More and more inexperienced truck drivers are delivering goods, magnifying the risks.
Below, I will examine the shift of the left white-collar worker towards a pro-state model, as the blue-collar worker shifts to a limited government model, and how this will lead to automation to avert future lane reductions of emergency routes and other public safety issues presented by truckers crossing many streets with “wrong thinking,” “core” “who are nonetheless inciting hate, violence and in some cases criminality.” (Canadian President – Justin Trudeau over resistance to forced “vaccine mandates” and pandemic measures.).
The right has been arguing for years that the left is using inflated COVID-19 arguments to institute a great replacement of “anti-government” people with “unacceptable views” from the supply chain. Let’s look at how that might affect accidents in the short term as the replacement takes effect.
Canadian Trucking Alliance v. Prime Minister Justine Trudeau
First, some pro trucker groups claim more than 50 thousand trucks parked or rode through. Pro-government forces are asserting these freedom convoy numbers are inflated, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Ottawa Police in Downtown Ottawa.
Last Thursday, a convoy motoring through Thunder Bay, Ontario, consisted of 113 trucks and 276 privately owned vehicles. (Source Ontario Provincial Police.). Kingston Police counted around 17 tractor-trailers, 104 tractors with no trailers, and various other cars totaling 551 motorized vehicles.
The Ottawa Police Service, including three more Canadian police and security groups, have increased their forces around Parliament Hill and want the public to stay away and not protest, according to sergeant-at-arms and the corporate security officer from Canada’s House of Commons, Herr Patrick McDonell. Ottawa police have done an excellent job at making the protest see as little freedom convoy attendance as possible, which the Trudeau regime would like.
Ottawa Mayor Shouts ‘Complete Disrespect’ Over Truckers Parking Near Tomb of Unknown Soldier
With nowhere to park, protestors in Ottawa parked some trucks on roads inside the National War Memorial. Many truckers and military vets were condemned by forced vaccine mandate proponent Mayor Jim Watson. “Parking on this sacred ground that includes the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was a sign of complete disrespect.” (Source Twitter.). Ottowa police drove in and parked inside the grounds to ask the demonstrators to park elsewhere. Because of this, the truckers moved their vehicles.
Canada Left v. Right Commenters
Some pundits allege the “leftist Canadian government banned Fox News for dishonesty while ignoring all the flat-out lies spread by CNN about Rittenhouse and virtually every story they run of a political nature about ex-U.S. leader Donald Trump.” (Need source.).
Traditional Canadian blue-collar workers have been complaining that Australia and Canada have led the way in disallowing any information about the Covid 19 vaccine unless it supports the point of view of the pharmaceutical industrial complex. They also complain about political influence-peddling in professional sports, the NIH through Communist China. (China is also a massive supporter of anti-American college campus organizations, including BLM and ANTIFA.).
Ottawa Police, Canadian Truckers and Wrongful Thinking and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
Progressive leftist Canadians argue that any information about the virus, therapeutics, or natural immunity is a conspiracy theory unless it’s from the government. Government-paid doctors argue the thousands of doctors who disagree are “wrong thinking,” so they must be “fact-checked” by Ottawa Police and others to be silenced and suspended on social media.
American truckers have complained about being attacked by BLM supporters as BLM flags are waving from our U.S. embassies. Many citizens are concerned about the Hunter Biden scandal. China’s fact-check allies in Silicon Valley mean nothing being promoted in the search results is credible or remotely pro-individual rights.
As all this happens, millions protest vaccine mandates, as their accounts on Facebook are banned, censored, and buried. Under this Orwellian lens of reality Canadian truckers, of all people, are being called vigilantes and seditions, with their president, Justin Trudeau, calling them a “fringe group, reminiscent of Tiananmen Square,” says “Canadian trucking alliance member Scott. Scott refused to give his last name out of fear of Canadian government reprisals against his family or friends.
Let’s Look at the Oligarch v. Freedom Convoy Community Groups Online
“I am a Canadian in BC, usually listen to NPR on the way home. I listened to CBC today, the 28th, the day before the truckers’ rally in Ottawa, our capital. CBC is the national radio station. I had never heard so much bs in a one-half hour in my life. First, a provincial health minister admitted that they are counting deaths from other causes as a covid death if the person has covid because it may have been a factor. Next up was the BC health minister, Bonnie Henry, complaining that people were “othering” her. At the same time, her policies clearly “other” the unvaccinated, as the untaxed are not allowed in restaurants, gyms, theaters, etc.”
“Then they went on to talk about the trucker rally in Ottawa. Do they talk about forcing isolated truckers to take experimental injections? No, they talk about “Anti-vaxer fringe groups” [the Quebec City Mosque Shooting] and get an expert on white supremacists to come on. Of course, he fuels the hatred. No talking about the issue, giving a fair discussion of both sides. It was total propaganda. I knew CBC was brainwashing people, but boy, did I get an ear full.” (Source.).
Freedom Convoy And the Upside Down Canadian Flag
Many in the trucker convoy are flying upside-down Canadian flags as an international sign of being under siege and seeking aid. They argue that pro-Trudeau forces are anti-choice in vaccine mandates and that pro-limited government forces are not.
Most People Leaving Cannot Be Replaced Quickly?
Experts argue a small and not even mass exodus of truckers can present many supply chain problems, as pro-big government forces traditionally become school teachers, academics, or government employees (excluding the military and police who are usually in support of limited government political candidates.).
Because of this, we don’t see many leftists/academics getting into the trades or learning blue-collar skills like the trucking industry needs. This is also a traditionally male role, requiring male strength and grit to tie down heavy loads or change a tire. Many female truckers have broken this image, but it’s still a mainly male profession, consisting of many military vets who seek freedom from tyranny, feeling they earned their freedom, hence the “Freedom Convoy.” These truckers are united against vaccine mandates to downtown Ottawa and the Canadian Capital at Parliament Hill.
How the Ehline Law Firm Handles Cross-Border Truck Accident Injuries
The highly talented Ehline Law Group knows that trucking companies, manufacturers, and local governments responsible for most collisions have their in-house attorneys, insurance adjusters, special accident investigators, and doctors who will conduct a biased analysis of the victims, the biomechanics, and the amount of money their client must pay the trucking accident victim. Their mission remains increasing stock prices and liability mitigation to pay as little as possible for a severe injury or a wrongful death. This is their overriding goal, to cut you off at the knees. Hence, it remains vital to contact one of our top lawyers as soon as possible. Our plaintiff’s lawyers will thoroughly investigate the claim.
We know the insurance company will conduct a biased investigation, with most resulting in an unfavorable result, pinning liability on the victim. If you are involved in a blame-the-victim truck accident, you can exercise your option to retain one of the best truck accident law firms. The last thing you want is to argue when the accident is not your fault. Our aggressive legal team will step into your shoes and negotiate with the government, private actors, insurance companies, and other defendants on your behalf.
If these wrongdoers want to play games, we have no qualms about using our law firm’s total weight and financial strength to get you the most compensation under California law. If the truck driver violates traffic laws, wage and hour law violations or trucking company negligence is afoot. We win big! Don’t let the defendant off the hook for failing to maintain the wheel truck. Our team can pursue a lawsuit against the trucking company. Contact Ehline Law today if you or a loved one seeks a free consultation after suffering a severe injury or death in a truck accident. Call (833) LETS-SUE today.
The Last Word From the Canadian Transport Minister
Trudeau’s transport minister, Omar Alghabra, asserts the mandate does not affect the economy, so the human rights abuse allegations claimed by the truckers are irrelevant. Mr. Alghabra claims no large-scale reduction in cross-border wheel trucks has taken place. His government figures purport that 104,000 trucks came into Canada from the United States in the last week, only a 4% decrease. One thing is evident here, truckers, protest or not, are being diminished in importance.
“The forgotten alliance between Black activists and China” https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2020/09/28/forgotten-alliance-between-black-activists-china