Breaking News: Texas Judge Rules Obamacare HIV Prevention Drug Mandate Unconstitutional

Breaking News: Texas Judge Rules Obamacare HIV Prevention Drug Mandate Unconstitutional

Fort Worth, Texas, Reed O’Connor ruled that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) should not force employers and health insurance companies to pay for HIV prevention drugs. This is because the judge believes that this is unconstitutional. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides this medication because it can reduce a person’s risk of contracting HIV from sexual activity. It has been shown to be highly effective when taken correctly.

However, District Judge Reed O’Connor believes that these preventive services violate the business owner’s religious freedom. Additionally, he said that the federal government choosing which preventative drugs are covered is unconstitutional.

Health experts have said that this ruling could harm what the Affordable Care Act was put in place for – free coverage to Americans. Many Americans will be in trouble because they need help to afford the medication. Nearly 49% of Americans rely on employer-sponsored programs. Private insurance plans can be too expensive for many employees, which is why this program helps people access health care.

The Preventive Services Task Force

No one knows how this ruling will be enforced. Also, it is unknown how this decision will affect Preventive Services. Many prep drugs that have been put under the ACA were there to help prevent diseases. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has been in charge of making these decisions.

HIV Prevention Drugs Are Not the Only Ones

The judge has not ruled on the contraceptive mandate but rejected the HPV vaccine mandate. This mandate was also put in place because it has been shown to help prevent cancer caused by the virus.

Religious Freedom Restoration Act

Overall, the lawsuit was first filed back in 2020 by eight people and two businesses. They all agreed that having these drugs would encourage homosexual behavior, intravenous drug use, and prostitution. The America First Legal Foundation is a Christian-owned company that is here to help people express how the Religious Freedom and Restoration Act protects them and their views.

O’Connor listened to religious employers who wanted to ensure that their religious views were respected with this mandate.

Federal Judge Reed O’Connor and the Supreme Court

The federal judge in Texas has made this ruling, but the Supreme Court ruled in 2021 that Texas and other states that challenged Obamacare lacked legal standing. Also, the ACA has been reviewed several times but is still standing. O’Connor did find that the president should appoint the task force’s members according to the Constitution.

Call Ehline Law Firm Today!

During the HIV epidemic, people were terrified of receiving an HIV infection. That is why health care law has been put in place to help people receive free preventive care. Health equity needs to be established around the country, but when people are struggling, they should speak with a lawyer to understand them.

That is why the team at Ehline Law Firm is always here to help. The team understands that free preventive services will help improve health outcomes, but people should also have their religious beliefs protected at all times. A passionate, knowledgeable, and experienced team with the law will ensure that every client is listened to.

No matter what happens during the case, the client will always be made aware of every move the team makes. This is because no one likes being left in the dark. Also, the team is keeping up with the HIV drug mandate that is being placed across the country. This knowledge will ensure that every client’s voice is represented correctly.

People with questions should call (833) LETS-SUE today to receive a free consultation.