The Growing Sense of Loneliness From Mental Illness

Brain injury mindset. The Growing Sense of Loneliness From Mental IllnessBeing Lonely And Understanding Why

In a world filled with isolating activities such as computers, phones, and constant running, it is no wonder that therapists hear that loneliness is one of the major concerns people voice in private therapy sessions. What is surprising is that it appears as an emotional response from varying types of people – single, married, divorced, or widowed. Another surprise, different demographics respond differently. In other words, significant concerns exist from conditions presented by varying circumstances—understanding why intense senses of loneliness can affect some while not others remain mysterious.

Modern Causes

Although experts believe modern conveniences cause many people’s lonely feelings, there are also changes in shifting values, family life, and job location. As family members turn away from one another and friends lose touch, it is natural to sense loss voids can create. Experts report that little evidence shows consistent reasons we have thoughts or feelings from experiences despite loneliness growth. Many single people have said they have no sense of loneliness, while others living inside crowded homes have expressed concerns over their specific loneliness feelings.

Two Types?

Loneliness categories:

  1. Social
  2. Emotional.

When people move away from familiar surroundings, they may experience social loneliness. Emotional loneliness occurs when you feel misunderstood or don’t have anyone conversations. Both types can be debilitating, which is why loneliness is a social concern.

Different Reactions

A book written by Rubenstein and Shaver called “In Search of Intimacy” documented four stimulus reactions:

  1. Active solitude
  2. Social action
  3. Distraction
  4. Sad passivity.

Positive Perspectives

Active solitude and social action are believed to be positive and can help individuals build skills and self-esteem. Both of these reactions to loneliness can alter how a person behaves, such as learning to appreciate hearing music, reading, or exercising by yourself. It can also create a positive experience for some individuals reaching out to friends and family, creating social situations to break their loneliness and emotional isolation.

Negative Perspectives

Distraction is neither positive nor negative; instead, minds block their immediate sense of self, shifting people’s focus to other needs such as shopping, driving, or work. These feelings are temporary, and nothing changes individual lives removing or enlarging loneliness. Passivity is a negative response to loneliness, enhancing your understanding of inner isolation. Often paired with a growing sense of depression, passivity can lead to a sense of loss, overeating, self-medicating, and self-harming. Passivity can also involve severe depression that results in doing nothing except sleeping for long hours in isolation.

Changing Channels

Therapists work with individuals suffering from loneliness through understanding their sense of self is like watching TV with channels moving from one to another. People can realize where current life experiences will move them forward by using special counseling techniques.

By identifying how someone feels at any specific moment and moving past self-defeating thoughts and behavior, loneliness becomes fleeting, maintaining your positive world rather than an emotion that causes full world isolation lonesomeness. To learn more from a personal injury law firm assisting expert brain injury lawyers near you, call (213) 596-9642.