Biden Wants Illegals to Snitch on U.S Employers
The Biden Administration has again taken a move that many on the right say somewhat shows his disloyalty to the state. They claim his recent proposals and bills aim to turn America into a dystopian state where lawlessness prevails slowly under his IRS/FBI censorship / social credits reality. The left argues that silencing others for being intolerant is for the “greater good,” and if you disagree, you are probably a white supremacist.
Homeland Security Making Us Insecure?
Many libertarians, border security experts and legal historians urge his current policy change may be the final nail in the American cadaver opening the way for Communist China to lead the world.
Let’s explore the details of the recent policy change and how it may affect the country with Ehline Law and our personal injury attorneys.
Biden Administration Offers Discretionary Protection to Asylum Seekers
One of Biden’s first executive orders was to continue paying contractors to build the fully funded border wall, but NOT BUILD IT. He sent illegals a message that immigration services are here to usher you across as our new post-Trump immigration policy. Anyone who disagrees was branded a racist.
Democrat activists headed South, teaching people how to come across illegally and even helping them learn how to manipulate immigration judges. During that short period, it is estimated that more than 3 million illegals walked across our porous border and received a free cell phone, food stamps and hotel lodging at U.S. taxpayer expense.
The drug cartels are making BILLIONS and the president and his friends/allies in the mainstream press (NPR, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, MSNBC, PBS, ABC, CBS, etc.) say it’s racist to question any of this. No green card or employment based visas are needed, as everything is free for them and their unaccompanied children. (the right say this opens the door for human trafficking and perverted foster parents) If you disagree publicly, you risk being banned from social media or having your user account throttled. (All verified by Ellon Musk’s Twitter files dump.)
Instead, on January 13, 2023, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced that they would implement a reward system for illegal immigrants, a move many believe will have severe repercussions for the American economy and public safety.
Undocumented Workers Can Report Unscrupulous Employers for Violations
The main question the right has is “why do illegals need work when they get everything free?” Besides, employers cannot employ illegal immigrants and unaccompanied minors are trafficked to “foster homes” and get free everything as well. But this practice continues unregulated in the country, with many large corporations who support Biden employing hundreds of aliens at dirt-cheap labor market rates.
According to news sources, these illegal immigrants who apparently want to work in the country illegally will have the opportunity to report violations by “abusive” employers and get wealthy in the process.
Program Incentivizes Undocumented Workers for Reporting Violations by Their Bosses
The DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, apparently one of the most dishonest government officials in US history according to the right, stated that the new policy aims to hold exploitative employers who are “predatory actors” accountable for hiring immigrants who cross the border illegally in a bid to address immigration enforcement in the workplace.
Mayorkas responded to a comment in an email stating that the new Biden Administration’s policy aims to penalize employers who abuse the status of illegal immigrants they allowed across and incentivize aliens who should not be here to report such employers.
Snitches Get Stitches? Not Anymore!
In return for reporting employer violations, illegal immigrants may apply for work permits or temporary work visas. The policy will help better utilize the DHS’s enforcement resources to address illegal migrant issues.
According to Mayorkas, the government needs to collect revenue, and if employers keep hiring illegal immigrants, the aliens would be spending American dollars without paying taxes. DHS has the power to delay the deportation of illegal immigrants, but it also has the authority to postpone the “relief” process of the temporary workers at their discretion.
Creating a Flock of Undocumented Immigrants in the Millions: An Army of Voters for the Democrats?
Most legal experts understand the Democrats need financially dependent voters to stay in power. Illegals would make great Democrat voters, as they are already receiving free things U.S. taxpayers could only dream of and hence, will continue voting for free things once, as in New York, the Democrat voters in their super-majority cities and states let’s these illegals vote.
Using the Census to Turn Red States Blue?
But the main issue here is that Democrats are using the U.S. census to redistrict red states blue. Illegals don’t need to vote, they just need to move to a blue district in a red state and ultimately, every state will turn dark blue with body-count alone. This is the goal of the World Economic Forum (WEF) say those on the right. The right argues that we’ve seen that whatever policy the Biden Administration is taking benefits the Democrats, not the nation. Are they working for American citizens or just a small group of elite people like KlausSchwab or Hunter’s bosses in Communist China, the right rhetorically asks?
The DHS states that undocumented workers create an unfair labor market for American citizens as they work for lower wages, yet they are flooding our country with these people and not testing them for diseases or past crimes. Biden’s policies will have them documented and brought into the US economy, which means more tax revenue. The problem is, these are the same people who are pushing to depopulate the planet and end farming since it apparently causes global warming. The left argues that would be a positive direction for the country and cull migrants from the Southern Border. It just doesn’t add up using logic. Only emotions and faith based opinion seems to drive the Biden policies.
Another Lie Told to the Media by the DHS Secretary
It would be easy to believe what the DHS secretary states but then again, whatever he has said so far are nothing short of belligerent lies, say the right, as well as most Border Patrol Union members.
He continued to take the stance that the US borders are safe yet have a policy that acknowledges that the US economy has an illegal worker problem and fentanyl, illegal drugs flooding across in the billions of dollar each day. We have no way of knowing who is coming, as the border wall was ended, and there are not enough choke points to stop everyone.
If They Cared about Illegal Workers, Why Are Trump Administration Policies in Effect?
Wasn’t the Biden government continuing with Title 42 invoked by the Trump Administration, which gives immigration officials the power to expel migrants from the country but allows them to seek asylum?
The government believes that their new policy that does not increase any costs for the asylum seekers but penalizes unscrupulous employers is a dedication of the current administration to ensure legal pathways for poor workers. The immigration system, under the new policy, would provide such protections to foreign workers against Americans who may have believed their individual employees were legal. (Many illegals use fake social security numbers when applying for a job).
But if they were so caring for the immigrants, why are policies administered by the Trump Administration still in effect under the current federal government? Why is there so much chaos?
Are the Policies Aimed at Helping Illegal Immigrants?
The illegal migrants aren’t true winners of this new Biden Administration shenanigans. Why do immigration judges deny asylum seekers asylum claims if they’ve previously applied for asylum in other countries and were denied?
Also, the fee structure has remained the same since the Obama Administration, so why is the Biden government stating that they’re not increasing costs to help illegals?
- Imagine illegal immigrants complying with government requirements and being compelled to vote for the Democrats who hold power to decide their fate: whether the immigrants get deported or get American citizenship.
President Biden may want to create a flock of “Democratic supporters” that may reach millions! At this point, you can barely understand what he is reading off the teleprompter, so we the people, are probably in for higher interest rates and less freedom in the long run, says the right.
Schedule a Free Consultation with Ehline Law
If you are an undocumented worker, you have certain rights under health, safety, and anti-discrimination laws, regardless of your status. Contact us at (833) LETS-SUE for a free consultation if you’ve suffered injuries in a work-related accident.