AEG Not Negligent in Michael Jackson Wrongful Death
Many of you people know one of the specialties we have at Ehline Law Firm involves wrongful loss of life claims. Thus, you know we have been following this Michael Jackson wrongful death trial. Also, we realize no portion of money can ever adequately compensate a fatality victim.
They never fully recover from mental and physical suffering and grieving. Hence, we fight vigorously for the victim’s best interests when a case has merit. Striving to retrieve the indemnification that our deserving clients seek is a daily thing.
The Jury Returns
Here, the alleged victims put their best foot forward and lost. The breaking news relates that the defendants prevailed after being thrust into a four-day struggle to get to the bottom of the case. So only after enduring four painstaking days of deliberation, the wrongful death of Michael Jackson, brought by his mother and children, the jury arrived at a losing verdict.
This verdict comes just after the press covered significant and heated personality conflicts and allegations of uncivil behavior by counsel for both sides. Aside from that, there was a compelling closing argument. Also, we are sure the jury had no easy time arriving at their decision.
The Closing Argument
The jury determined that AEG was not negligent in the singer’s death. Dr. Conrad Murray had been hired and was fit for the care he provided. So this relieves AEG of liability according to the verdict. But Dr. Murray was held criminally responsible for Michael Jackson’s death in a criminal trial of manslaughter.
However, AEG’s prominent business attorneys argued in court that Murray was good and even licensed in several states to practice medicine. Also, they had no way of knowing what went on behind closed doors in the singer’s treatment by his star-struck doctor. The lawsuit asked for 2 million dollars during the five-month wrongful death trial.
But AEG attorneys said that Murray’s hiring was to ensure the singer was hydrated, not drugged. Michael needed to be medically in shape for the comeback tour and then be promoted by AEG Live. So there was no collusion to keep Michael “high.”
Jackson’s Comeback Tour Ended By His Death.
Jackson died days before the start of the comeback tour. So that would have debuted in the summer of 2009 in London. AEG Live lawyers said they did not believe Michael Jackson was in danger of getting treated by Murray. Of particular interest here, he had never gotten sued for malpractice. He had several years of practicing medicine. So they said that Jackson was a secretive drug addict.
The “Execution” Drug
AEG claimed he kept everyone in the dark. Hence, even his closest relatives knew nothing about the use of Propofol. Also, this is a potent drug used in prisoner executions. After five months of the jury listening to the AEG Live attorneys and witnesses, the panel decided. They heard from Michael Jackson’s mother and eldest son. Jurors heard them testify.
Furthermore, they rendered their verdict after four days of deliberation. The finding was that the concert promoter was not liable for the singer’s death. It is unknown if the victims have paid a penny, as most injury firms advance costs.
But we are confident this case was not a cheap expense to execute. So we know that there were competent attorneys committed to giving no-nonsense representation. Also, we are aware that most legal reps offer accurate, honest case assessments.
So more than likely, the victims knew this case would not be a walk in the park. It is unknown whether or not an appeal looms. But typically, excellent and punctual attorneys could have a judge erroneously exclude vital evidence, no matter how good they are. So we are sure we have not heard the last of the Michael Jackson saga.