Can Parents Sue for Texas Church Bus Accident with 16 Injured?

Can Parents Sue for Texas Church Bus Accident with 16 Injured?

Small Church Bus Overturned Near Apartment Building

In recent events, a small church bus overturned near a Houston area apartment building. Witnesses from the apartment complex told investigators that the bus driver was speeding while turning into the northeast Harris County neighborhood. Can the driver be sued over this Texas bus accident?

Baptist Church Bus Accident Injures 16

Authorities say that a small church bus overturned near an apartment complex in the Houston region, injuring 16 people, including 13 children.

Around 12:30 p.m. on a Sunday, the driver of a Baptist church’s bus attempted to turn into a northeast Harris County neighborhood, according to Lt. Simon Cheng of the county’s sheriff’s office. The bus rolled over on its side.

Fortunately, nobody was seriously injured; however, witnesses from the apartment complex told investigators that the bus appeared to be going over the speed limit.

The bus’ 16 passengers, consisting of three adults and 13 children, were transported to hospitals. Furthermore, the children ranged in age from one to 16.

While the driver’s speed is unknown, the posted speed limit was 30 mph (48 kph), according to Cheng.

Therefore, the driver will probably receive a citation; however, Cheng said detectives are still deciding whether to press charges.

Can Parents Sue the At-fault Driver for the Texas Church Bus Accident?

This case can be considered in the same way a school bus accident lawsuit would.

You must serve the defendants with the appropriate paperwork in order to file your case with the court.

Texas law may allow the parent to wait until the child is older before filing the case or let the child submit the case themselves once they are old enough. 

You might be able to file an insurance claim instead of filing a lawsuit. However, as the insurance company will not cover pain and suffering damages, this often results in accepting reduced damages.

Can You Sue the Baptist Church or Driver?

Just like school bus accidents, you can file an insurance claim and lawsuit for a church bus collision. However, it’s crucial to know who to sue.

When it comes to school bus crashes, you can either sue:

  • The driver
  • The school district or the school
  • The school bus company
  • Another driver
  • Another driver’s employers

School buses are similar to church buses; therefore, the same principle would apply.

Church Bus Accident Injures 16, Including 13 Children

A bus accident lawyer can help you deal with any unpleasant outcomes or legal complications that can arise from the court trying to combine the cases into one lawsuit because there could be several plaintiffs in the case.

In this specific case, since 16 people were injured, it is likely that more than one of the victims will sue the small church or bus driver. The parents of the 13 children will be able to sue on behalf of their kids.

Schedule a Free Consultation with Ehline Law Firm Today

Have you or your child recently been injured in a bus crash? Contact us at 833 LETS-SUE to get the compensation you deserve from the at-fault parties with help from the best bus accident lawyers in the State of Texas.
