PRT Bus Involved in Head-on Crash in Oakland - Who Is At-fault?

PRT Bus Involved in Head-on Crash in Oakland – Who Is At-fault?

On November 9, 2022, a Pittsburgh regional transit bus got involved in a head-on collision in Oakland after a jeep crossed the center line. Let’s explore the details of the news with Ehline Law and our personal injury attorneys.

Pittsburgh Regional Transit Bus Head-on Collision on Allequippa Street and Sutherland Drive

At around 11 AM, the Pittsburgh regional transit (PRT) bus crashed into a jeep in a head-on collision on Allequippa Street and Sutherland Drive. Emergency crews arrived at the accident scene to assess the situation and administer first aid.

The Jeep Slammed into the Bus, Causing Injuries to Nine People

According to the transit spokesman Adam Brandolph, the jeep swerved around stopped traffic before crossing the center line and crashing into the PRT bus near the University of Pittsburgh campus.

Brandolph reported at least nine people suffering injuries but did not reveal the extent of the injuries, stating that they were non-serious.

More Minor Complaints of Knee Pain from the Bus Driver and Also the Jeep Driver

The driver of the 83-Bedford Hill bus was immediately taken to a nearby hospital, and Brandolph declined to shed more light on the matter, which the driver was, and what happened. He clarified that the driver would return to driving the bus after their recovery since they appeared not at fault.

According to a Pittsburgh Public Safety official, the bus driver had knee pain following the incident, and the jeep driver suffered from a concussion and neck and back pain.

The accident delayed the university’s shuttle service as the Pittsburgh Regional Transit police continued investigating the incident.

Who Could Be Liable for the PRT Bus Accident in Oakland?

One of the major causes of any accident, including bus accidents, is negligence, which is carrying out misconduct or failing to act in a reasonable manner, resulting in a breach of a legal duty. The bus driver could be negligent in their actions, or other parties who acted negligently, including the bus company, jeep driver, and the bus manufacturer.

Bus Driver

Most of the accidents that occur happen because of the driver’s negligence. The bus companies pay their drivers to ensure they drive safely, follow traffic laws, and exercise reasonable care to prevent harm to the passengers.

However, bus drivers routinely make serious errors while on the job resulting in accidents and causing harm to the passengers.

The following are some examples of bus driver negligence that can lead to serious accidents:

  • Distracted driving
  • Fatigued driving
  • Drunk driving or driving under the influence of drugs or medications
  • Violating traffic rules and laws
  • Reckless or careless driving (tailgating, speeding, and other reckless actions)

Since bus drivers operate large, heavy vehicles with many passengers, they have a legal duty beyond a typical motorist. Injured victims may hold the bus driver accountable if a bus driver fails to follow traffic rules or drives recklessly, resulting in an accident.

Another Driver

Bus drivers are not the only ones careless behind the wheel; in the accident mentioned above, it may be the driver of the jeep responsible for the accident. The jeep driver may be talking on the phone or distracted in another way and not seeing the stopped traffic ahead, causing the driver to swerve his jeep at the last moment.

If the jeep driver is responsible for the accident, the injured bus passengers may hold them accountable for the damages.

Bus Company

In some bus accident cases, it may seem that the bus driver is responsible for the accident, but it is important to assess the bus company’s liability.

Generally, a bus company may be responsible for its driver’s negligence, and in some cases, the bus company may be negligent.

Injured victims may be able to pursue a personal injury claim against the bus company in the following situations:

  • The company failed to conduct a background check on their driver before hiring and hired an inexperienced driver
  • The company failed to conduct routine inspections and maintenance of their busses
  • The bus company failed to provide the necessary training to its drivers
  • The bus company forced their drivers to work long hours, resulting in fatigued drivers
  • The bus company did not enforce policies pertaining to substance abuse and other driving dangers.

If the University of Pittsburgh Campus owns the bus shuttle service and operates it, then it may be liable.

Bus Manufacturer

The bus has many components, and any part could be defective, leading to serious accidents. These defects may include faulty headlights, defective tires, poorly designed latches, faulty seats, and poor brakes.

Bus manufacturers are responsible for ensuring that they design and manufacture buses according to federal safety standards and test them to determine if they are safe for use before selling them to the buyer. If the bus crash happened because of the bus manufacturer’s negligence, the injured victims might be able to bring a product liability claim against them.

How Can a Personal Injury Attorney Prove the Cause of the Bus Accident?

When an accident occurs, it is crucial to reach out to an experienced personal injury attorney. In the “PRT bus involved in head-on crash in Oakland” incident, it is critical to investigate the accident to determine the liable party and prove causation.

An experienced attorney can help investigate the accident scene, inspect the bus and other vehicles, check the bus company’s maintenance records, and retrieve camera footage to determine the liable party.

Once they know who is responsible for the accident, they can then pursue a personal injury claim against the responsible party and hold them accountable.

Depending on the severity of the injuries, a skilled personal injury attorney can help recover medical bills, lost income, reduced quality of life, emotional distress, and other damages.

Schedule a Free Consultation with Ehline Law Bus Crash Lawyers

If you suffered injuries as a passenger in a bus accident, contact us at (833) LETS-SUE for a free consultation, as you may be eligible for compensation.